Friendship Exchange USA D-5420 and Mexico D-4100
February 4th through the 11th 2022
Participants: 37 total Rotarians and a dual Rotaractor - Rotarian, among them: 7 PDG’s
14 Utah clubs represented our district 5420
2 Rotaractors from Mexico City, Diana Cazadora Rotaract club D-4170
Mar de Penasco and Caborca clubs represented D-4100
Lodging at: Playa Bonita resort and Hotel in Sandy Beach Penasco
Service projects: 5 (beach cleanup, painting and landscape of Hemodialysis Center, painting and landscape of
Water plant, providing over 1100 meals for the community based on the sacrifice of a cow
Vaccination of Children and adults in five areas of town with the Health Dept. approval and guidance
· 200 children vaccinated
· 14 were Polio vaccines
· Other vaccines include:
o Influenza, Hep A & B, multivalent, Rotavirus, pneumococcal Albendazol (deworming)
Owner: David Nelson
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