The food bagging for November was well attended with 39 volunteers/117 volunteer hours. We bagged 670 packages of ground beef and 2,140 bags of dried beans. For the Friday food drive we had 24 volunteers/ 72 volunteer hours. We fed about 750 individuals at the drive and sent left over food for about 50 individuals to the Switch Point soup kitchen. We didn't have the typical Thanksgiving food items to give out, but the food recipients were appreciative. Utah Food Bank has a food donation box at SunRiver and its almost completely full. Many of us rotary, hiking club and general volunteers live at this retirement community and are proud of the way our residents participate in community service projects..
October Food bagging and Valley View food drive continue to be busy with high community demand/need for supplemental food items. For bagging we had 43 volunteers/ 86 volunteer hours, and bagged 1340 bags of food. The Valley View food drive had 22 volunteers/66 volunteer hours. We served 450 people and 115 families. We have been consistently running out of food items at this drive earlier than the scheduled 10:00 am finish. I am encouraging families to arrive before 8:30 am if possible so they can receive some food items. We also handed out to each family a schedule of mobile food pantries for the remainder of this year.
We had 36 volunteers/ 72 volunteer hours for Wednesday September 27 food bagging. The donated food is having to be distributed to many mobile pantries within St George and Washington county. The food bank is noticing less food donation for the grocery stores. We fed 546 people and 125 families at the Friday September 29 Food Drive on Valley View.
Wednesday food bagging we had 36 volunteers/108 volunteer hours. We bagged 1,360 food bags. Friday food drive had 17 volunteers/51 volunteer hours. We fed 452 individuals and 170 families.
Getting ready for the summer rush at the food bagging and Friday food drive for June 2023. For the Wednesday food bagging we had 65 volunteers/195 volunteer hours. This included many rotary club members, Sun River residents, LDS church members and missionaries and other community volunteers. We bagged 1,300 bags of food. 200 bags for Washington City, 150 bags for Valley View, 130 bags for Parowan, 100 bags for Root for kids, 200 bags for Washington School district, 250 bags for Cedar City, 150 bags for Kanab, 120 bags for Hildale. For the Friday food drive we had 21 volunteers/63 volunteer hours. We fed 500 individuals and about 125 families. We had over 10 rotary club volunteers on Friday. We will be having a new driver, as our beloved Jim Torres has been job reassigned.
We had way above average volunteer participation this month with 27 food bagging volunteers with an average of 81 volunteer hours, and 41 volunteers/123 volunteer hours for the Friday food drive. We bagged 2,460 dry bags and 175 refrigerated bags. The food drive was not well attended this month, this may be due to it being the end of the school year and the start of Memorial Day weekend. We served about 400 individuals and about 90 families for this drive. Tony continues to take extra food up to Canyon Creek Women's Shelter in Cedar City. We had great rotary volunteer efforts this month as I encouraged club rotarians to assist if they are available during the summer months, as so many of our regular volunteers are on summer vacation, traveling or gone away to second homes to escape the usual summer heat.
This month we bagged 2,180 dry bags, 350 frozen bags for a total of 2,530 bags. These bags were completed by 45 volunteers/90 service hours. For the Friday food drive at Valley View LDS church we had 23 volunteers/70 volunteer hours. We fed 550 individuals and 120 families. Our driver driver, Jim Torres, returned this week. He has been on medical leave for several months due to a work injury. Our own Rotarian, Tony Damiano, took the extra food that wasn't given to individuals at this food drive up to Canyon Creek shelter in Cedar City. Our veteran rotarian, Penny, passed away in March frequently took extra food to this women's shelter. We hope to continue to taking some food stuffs to this facility. The Utah food bank supplied some donations this month that they referred to as a mother's day basket. These bags included some lotion, a candle and other items that women will treasure.
The Utah Food bank opened their new building extension this month for the food bagging. This additional 1,600 foot space is bright and open and perfect for food bagging. The other area of the warehouse can now be the storage area. On Wednesday we had 55 volunteers/165 volunteer hours that bagged 2500 dry bags and 800 frozen bags. We did not fill any mobile school bags this month. The Friday food drive we had 22 volunteers/66 volunteer hours. We fed 400 people and 95 families. The best news of all is truck driver, Jim Torres will be back to work part time this week after his January work accident. We all wish him well and all the food bank staff as they help him transition back to work with the help of the food bank staff.
It was a cold and snowy month for our food bagging and 2 food drives. We had 60 volunteers/180 volunteer hours for the food bagging at the Utah Food Bank. The volunteers bagged 2,480 bags including 1,500 mobile pantry bags, 300 Mobile School pantry bags and 680 frozen bags. The Thursday food drive at Washington Recreation center had 22 volunteers/66 volunteer hours and fed 175 families and 750 individuals. The Friday food drive at Valley View LDS church had 20 volunteers/60 volunteer hours and fed 90 families and 385 individuals. It appeared that we served many less people at the Friday drive, the cold weather may have kept some people away who will seek food resources from the other food pantries over the next couple of weeks.
The January Food bagging and 1 food drive fed 420 people and about 150 families. We had 47 volunteers with 141 volunteer hours. We bagged a total of 4,630 bags of food, 3480 bags were for mobile pantries, 450 bags for the mobile school pantry and 700 frozen mobile pantry bags. Washington City Rotary Club has officially taken on the Thursday food drive, so I will not be attending this drive anymore so the food distribution count will be lower as it will cover only the Friday drives. Jim Torres is on extended medical leave due to an accident he incurred on a January 6 food drive in Cedar City. Our club wishes him a speedy and full recovery. Other food bank staff is assisting with the food bagging and drives in his absence.
Snow Canyon is a sanctuary for the desert tortise. Illegal trails pop up which endangers the turtles. This project means to cover the illegal trail with rocks to deter people from using them. On this day, students from Utah Tech Environmental Class attended to learn about the habitat and help with the trail cover up. 34 volunteers spent a couple of hours putting up signage along the trail and hear from the Park Ranger about the importance of this project and the history of the habitat.
Rotarians passed out Dictionaries to 3rd graders at Sunset School. A beloved project for all Rotarians, the dictionaries are filled with great information including a list of every US President, all 50 states, the sign language alphabet and much more. For many children, this is the first book they have ever owned.
On Saturday January 14, 2023 St George Sunrise Rotary Club held its quarterly road clean-up on a 3 mile stretch of Dixie Drive between Tonaquint Park and Valley View Drive. Our club had 11 volunteers and were aided by 1 member of the hiking club.We worked for 2 hours. All of the volunteers had a bit of fun, got some good exercies and pick up a load of trash along the street. We then headed over to Bishops for breakfast. Great breakfast and fellowship
The January Food bagging and 1 food drive fed 420 people and about 150 families. We had 47 volunteers with 141 volunteer hours. We bagged a total of 4,630 bags of food, 3480 bags were for mobile pantries, 450 bags for the mobile school pantry and 700 frozen mobile pantry bags. Washington City Rotary Club has officially taken on the Thursday food drive, so I will not be attending this drive anymore so the food distribution count will be lower as it will cover only the Friday drives. Jim Torres is on extended medical leave due to an accident he incurred on a January 6 food drive in Cedar City. Our club wishes him a speedy and full recovery. Other food bank staff is assisting with the food bagging and drives in his absence.
September food bagging and 2 day food drive was serviced by 110 volunteers for a total of 330 volunteer hours. We bagged 3,885 bags of food and fed 125 families/1475 individuals. We continue to have tremendous volunteer efforts from so many community sources such as Rotary, Sunriver hiking club and other residents, many LDS church members and missionaries, as well as many St. George and Washington City residents. The individuals are so appreciative of the donated food so they can supplement their food stores, feed families, friends and neighbors.
St George Sunrise Rotary with the help of many volunteers just completed the monthly food bagging and 2 day food drives distribution. Over this 3 day event we had 81 volunteers with a total of 546 volunteer hours. We bagged 2,185 bags of food. We supplied donated food to 1200 individuals and 280 families. The volunteer spirit is alive and well in our community and county. We offer thanks to the stores, truckers and Utah Food Bank for all the amazing donated food that provided nourishment to those in need of food supplies.
Red Cliffs Reserve includes the area below Red Mountain at the end of 100E. This ongoing project is to throw rock on illegal trails that pop up threatening the health and well being of the native tortoise. The Rotary Club of St George Sunrise is committed to battle these trails. 8 brave Rotarians arrived at 6:30 AM today and worked for a couple of hours before the weather got too hot. Stunning views and great commraderie set the day. We even observed an adult tortoise who came to say THANK YOU Rotary for helping me live here.
We fed about 1,000 individuals and 575 families within our community. Food donations totaled 2,100 bags.

The food bagging and food drives in Washington City and St. George continue to fill a food need in our communities. We were assisted by many volunteers from our St George Sunrise Rotary club, Veterans Rotary Club ,Sun River, other church and community members. We had over 80 volunteers during the three days and packed up 3,500 bags of food. We offer our appreciation to the Utah Food Bank for organizing these events.
On Saturday June 25, 2022 Dixie Sunrise Rotary Club held its quarterly road clean-up on a 3 mile stretch of Dixie Drive between Tonaquint Park and Valley View Drive. Our club had 16 volunteers and were aided by 8 hiking club members. All of the volunteers had a bit of fun, got some good exercies and pick up a load of trash along the street. We then headed over to Dede's for breakfast for the last time. Dede is retiring and closing the restaurant. Great breakfast and we all wished Dede good health and safe travels during her retirement years.
On Saturday morning, June 25th, a small group of volunteers from the Rotary Club of Dixie Sunrise and the St. George Veterans Rotary Club assisted Don Page of Tru Touch Home Repair with building an awning at P.A.W.S. animal shelter.
We fed about 1,055 individuals and 673 families within our community. Food donations totaled 5,895 bags.

Dixie Sunrise Rotary earns $14,000 operating the beer garden and the entrance gates. We had 2 days of Rodeo and then 4 days county fair.
8 Rotarians from Dixie Sunrise Rotary Club, Red Rock Rotary Club and the Veteran's Satellite Club judged 26 entries in the Sunset School Annual Science Fair. Students from Kindergarden through 5th grade presented their projects in both science and engineering categories. Each Rotarian recieved 7-8 of the projects so that each project had 4-5 judges interview them in front of their projects. Science projects included how to make chocolate chip cookies chewier, how fast a white rose changes colors when the stem is placed in colored water, to how many pieces of cardboard between two like magnets could be placed until the magnets couldn't keep them together. Engineering projects included the construction of an object launcher. 8 Rotarians x 2 hours = 16 volunteer hours.
Twenty Five volunteers from Dixie Sunrise Rotary and Sunriver Hiking Club clean 2 miles of Dixie Drive. 

Our Club montly clean up at Snow Canyon was enhanced today with 30 students and their instructor from Dixie State's Environmental writing class to assist with the project. Kristen Comells who is with Snow Canyon met with the students, reinforced the need to keep the illegal trails from forming in the tortise habitat. The day was spent spreading rock over existing illegal trails and installing steel pipe for the new signage that is on order. The students found a tortise which made their day so impactful. Total hours: 71

The food donation total was 4,250 bags. 2640 bags for the 2 mobile drives plus 860 perishable bags of potatoes and apples and 750 bags for the school pantries.

Friendship Exchange USA D-5420 and Mexico D-4100

February 4th through the 11th 2022
Following the vision of DGE Jose Velasco 2022 – 2023 Rotary year, with the perspective to “act local, think global”
The two day combined food drive, and one day food bagging fed about 850 people due to the ongoing efforts of 110 volunteers with 400 volunteer hours. We bagged 5,000 bags of food for distribution.

Dixie Sunrise works on the Rotary International Rose Parade Float. 

Our Club rang the bell for the Salvation Army in front of the old Harmons in St George on December 2nd and the 18th. 

We fed over 1,100 people this month with our Mobile Food Bank. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Dixie Sunrise Rotary helping to protect Desert Tortoise Habitat in Snow Canyon State Park. 

Dixie Sunrise Rotary has 100 Volunteers to operate Run Aid Station #4 for 10 hours and 3,500 Athletes through Wind, Rain, Hail and Lightning. 

We collected 25 large bags of toiletries for Mill Creek High Students. 
‘All veterans are not without need’: Local veterans Rotary Club slowly taking shape
Busy with Trail Building, Giving Blood, and supporting the Mobile Food Bank.

Winter Cloths for Mill Creek High School, Gift Bags for Shut In Seniors, Three days of Mobile Food Bank, and the Holidays. What a busy month.
Dixie Sunrise Rotary Forming a Veteran focused Club. With a suggestion from Utah Rotary’s District Governor-elect Jose Velasco, one local club is considering starting up a satellite club with the express goal of helping Southern Utah’s military veteran community.
The Rotary Club of Dixie Sunrise had another busy month with eight days of Service Projects.
The Magic of Rotary!
St George, UT 84790
United States of America